30+ Latinx Beauty Brands To Support Now And Forever

Representation is crucial. Full stop. For many in the Latinx community, that much-needed representation doesn't exist within the beauty industry. And while according to a Nielsen 2019 consumer report, "the Latinx consumer outspends any other group in beauty product sales by close to 30%," that same shopper— particularly 69% of older Latinx people (age 5o+)— agree with the sentiment that the industry sees them as just an afterthought. Below, a few Latinx leaders took matters into their own hands (and labs) to create brands founded by Latinx people for Latinx people. On the list, you'll find everything from super-soft makeup brushes (the company has more than 60 patents on their designs!) to experimental functional fragrances and the one-and-only OG beauty blender. So shop today, tomorrow, and the next below.

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